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Fieldfaring in #exstrange exhibition


We have a new work included in the global exhibition #exstrange, which is being exhibited over the next several months on eBay. You can visit the exhibition’ website for more information, or can go directly to our auction (this is only up for a week, however). After the auction closes, we will put up a screenshot for posterity on this site.

Its worth noting that for this particular exhibition, being curated into the initial show is just the beginning, and it is also possible for literally anyone to join in. This show is the brainchild of curators Rebekah Modrak and Marialaura Ghidini, and it is currently only in its first week.

If you are an eBay shopper- its a great chance to buy some conceptual work from a wide ranging group of artists.

“Reading other Peoples Mail” at the de Young Museum

Ted will give a talk on Saturday May 10 at the de Young Museum on archives, collecting and the legacy of Bay Area collector/scholar Steven Leiber. The talk is being presented as a part of Lexa Walsh’s “Mapping the Archive Project”. A small sampling of Ted’s archive of ephemera from Bay Area social art projects is included in the project.

CGC Early July Report: Volunteer Weeding Brigade

Youth Works Volunteers

Relayed by email from Peter Huttinger: “Youth Works volunteers taking a well earned rest after weeding the Pawpaw Circle and mulching the nut and fruit trees at the Madisonville Foraging Forest Garden…”
Thanks to all for the weeding work!

CGC Report: Early summer weeding in the Pawpaw Circle

This just in from Peter Huttinger. CGC volunteers have finished a spring weeding of the Red Bank Pawpaw circle. The yellow coreopsis at the entrance are in full bloom.

Spring Weeding in the Pawpaw circle

Thanks CGC!

Fieldfaring at Open Engagement

We are travelling to Portland this week to take part in the annual Open Engagement Conference at Portland State University. Fieldfaring projects will be discussed in the context of a Panel that opens the Saturday morning roster.

Saturday, May 18: 10am-12pm
RURALSCAPES M. Michelle Illuminato, Brett Hunter, Linsey Laserte, Ethan Martin
Panelists – Compass: Sarah Kanouse; Fieldfaring: Susanne Cockrell and Ted Purves; Matt Garcia; Harold Arts: Joe Jeffers; Rhonda Janke; Regional Relationships: Ryan Griffis and Sarah Ross; M12 Collective: Richard Saxton and Kirsten Stoltz

For more information about the conference- follow this link.


pawpaw blossoms
This just in via Peter Huttinger. All of the 19 pawpaws survived their first winter. Blossoms are beginning to show.

Chess Variants hosted by Ted Purves- Tonight at Kadist SF

October 24, 2012

In 1944 André Breton criticized chess and chess playing artists saying that “what must be changed is the game itself, not the pieces.” At Kadist SF we’ll devote an evening to considering a range of artist mutations of the rules or structure of the game of chess, rather than the formal components of the board and pieces.

For more information visit this link– please come by to play a game of chess

Scenes from the Big Feed





Driving to the Big Feed

Fieldfaring is heading east. Over the last three days we have been driving from California to Colorado, where we will be attending M12’s annual Big Feed. We will be presenting our projects during the event, as well as touring M12’s various projects on the Colorado plains.

The BIG FEED is an annual event and action held by M12. It is a celebration of the regional landscape, experimental art and architecture, food, music, culture and community. It is a forum to connect community members and artists in a casual atmosphere, as well as an opportunity for the larger public to learn more about the groundbreaking work presented by the attending community members, artists, musicians, critics, and curators. Landing somewhere between a family reunion, potluck dinner, symposium, and festival, The BIG FEED is held the second weekend in every October. The event is open to the public and the cost of entry is one food item to share.
You can get more information about M12 and the Big Feed here.

Clover through the straw

Peter Huttinger, the director of the CGC’s neighborhood garden program (and a crucial part of the collaboration that made the project happen) sent this picture from the site the other day.